Ayaklı tülübaş (Psephellus huber-morathii) Tohumlu Bitkiler Bölümü (Magnoliophyta) - Papatyagiller (Asteraceae) - Tülübaş (Psephellus) - ayaklı tülübaş (Psephellus huber-morathii)

İlk olarak 1969 yılında Erzincan-Kelkit karayolu üzerinde bulunan Pöske Dağı üzerindeki Ahmediye Bakım İstasyonu önünden, daha sonra Huber-Morath tarafından Sipikor Dağı’ndan toplandığı belirtilmiştir.
Perennial, stem erect, 50-70 cm, simple or with 1-2 long branches, naked above. Leaves rather densely adpressed tomentose; basal withered at flowering time, lower and median pinnatipartite with 6-9 to 3-4 pairs of linear-lanceolate lateral segments, 7-11 mm broad, decurrent along rachis, entire or partly with a single basiscope lobe, terminal segment similar to lateral or slightly larger, upper leaves oblanceolate, often with 1-2 lobes on each side. Involucre c. 25-30 x 18-30 mm, oblong or subglobose, truncate at base. Appendages large, totally concealing basal part of phyllaries, hyaline, whitish to light brown, nearly orbicular to broadly triangular, c. 10-14 mm broad, slightly decurrent, with numerous 1-1,5 mm cilia. Flowers lilac-pink, marginal radiant. Achenes immature; pappus 11-13 mm, inner row 4-5 mm. Fl. 7. Alt. 2000 m.
Endemic to E.Anatolia. Ir.Tur. element.